
Photo of Nellie Walter the Psychic Medium

My name is Nellie Walter. I have been blessed with the opportunity to help my fellow man as a registered nurse for 33 years, specializing in Homecare and Hospice, and a medium. Both of these positions have been more than just work for me. They have helped define me as the individual I am. Life does continues on, a valuable lesson I learned from my patients and the souls that have passed. The bond shared between family and friends is always present and never ending. I am honored and privileged to be able to assist you in reuniting with your loved ones.

I perform my work with honesty and integrity. You and your beloved souls that have passed deserve nothing less than this. Life is not easy and we all need support. When someone you are close to dies, it can be devastating. People come for a session for numerous reasons. Some are searching for healing or closure, others are struggling with grief, while some are just plain curious. Know I will give you my all no matter why you are seeking a session. I hope that my website is informative and helps you to take the first step.

What Others Are Saying

These testimonials are from satisfied clients who have come to me for help, guidance, and relief from grief.


My sisters and I attended Dinner with a Medium at Catherine’s Restaurant in June, 2018. In the beginning, Nellie, the medium, said not to be shy if we feel the loved one is for us. I guess I was and should have been more forceful, but I didn’t want to interrupt someone else’s loved one’s reading. We lost our brother, Christopher on February 8th,2018. I went to the Dinner with my sisters needing and hoping to hear from him that night. Nellie started off with a young female Soul coming through connected with the name Sara. She said she had… Read more “Cecilia”


Kristen Helmig

“My mom passed away nine years ago and it has been a very long journey for my younger brother, older sister, father and many others including my Aunt Donna, my mom’s twin. However we were blessed with many signs from my mom like seeing a purple balloon or a rainbow on special occasions or in moments of need, which gave us a little sense of comfort that she was still near to us. But until my experience this summer… Click Here To Read… Read more “Kristen Helmig”

Kristen Helmig


“Thank you for helping me get in touch with my mother and father. It brought me so much joy and peace to know that my mother was happy with the decisions we made for her and getting her affirmation gives me so much comfort. For so many years, I felt like she was gone and had left me, but I feel so happy to feel reconnected. I never imagined I’d be in touch with my father, but I am grateful for that contact as well. It’s so nice to know that they are looking after me, and I hope that… Read more “Kathryn”


Brianna, AZ

“Thank you so much for the session yesterday. I was very angry after my uncle’s suicide, and although I had gotten mostly over that in the last few years, I still had times when I was angry and upset with him. I am not mad at him anymore. The session has brought an inner peace that I didn’t think I would ever have. It is like weight lifted off of me. Thank you for that. I am also so happy that you validated that my dreams with my uncle in them are really him. I love that I still get… Read more “Brianna, AZ”

Brianna, AZ

Donna M Testa

“I had a reading with Nellie Walter on July 19,2014. My Mother passed away on May 27, 2014. I was grieving the loss of my Mom who lived with me in my home for the last 22 years of her life. We were very close and I wanted very much to somehow know that she was OK! Nellie greeted me outside her home and was warm and welcoming. I didn’t know what to expect since I had never had a reading with a medium but I was so hoping my Mom would come through. My Mom came through loud and… Read more “Donna M Testa”

Donna M Testa

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