“I met with Nellie today for my first session ever with a medium. I can’t write everything I’d like to, it would take up too many pages. I want to say I have a whole new respect for mediums and their gift. The messages that my loved ones gave were things that only they and I would know, Even how the messages came through were so true to the character of each individual loved one it was as if it was a happy reunion, I did in fact cry and laugh, yes my loved ones made me laugh and it felt Great. Nellie was great she made you feel comfortable she was very kind and honest. I received messages from my Mom that gave me reassurance and peace she even told Nellie what her favorite cookie was and the brand Lorna Doone. My Step Father announced that He was a Slovacian through and through which he was and how I’d shop for him at Shoprite because Acme was too expensive. Of course I’d over shop ! My Mom told Nellie about our dish towel disagreement because I always liked cotton towels. My loved ones sent a lot of messages that Nellie had no way of knowing about, She is the real deal , Anyone ever had doubts about mediums and their gift please don’t, go see Nellie. The rest of my Family listened to my recording of the session and they also cried and laughed, It felt so good for all of us to be able to laugh about things that happened in the past. It feels like I’ve had a huge weight lifted from me. I feel I finally have peace in my grieving and I know my loved ones are fine, watching over our Family .”